2550 Fairfield Street, San Diego CA 92110 (619) 276-4881
What happens with the money I donate?
Your donations help support Pioneer Ocean View United Church of Christ in so many ways including:
Worship: to allow us to feel God’s presence. We are lifted up, refreshed for the week ahead, strengthened for the tasks before us, and renewed in spirit.
Missions: allows us to share our bounty with those very much in need within our community and throughout the world. We support Community Christian Services, Uptown Community Service Center, the Voices of Our City Choir, Interfaith Shelter Network, the Storefront Homeless Teen Center, Produce Good and many other charitable causes.
Staff: Our Pastor shows us the way that Jesus would have us follow. Our music director and accompanist bless us with thoughtful music and lead our choir. We also have a wonderful part-time office administrator who insures that everything runs smoothly.
Facilities: including our church building and grounds that in addition to providing our congregation a home, also provides a home for a pre-school, a meeting space for Al Anon, space for weddings/memorial services as well as space for community organizations.
Who will know how much I give to the church?
Gifts to the church are held in strict confidence. The only person who knows how much you pledge or give to church is the Financial Secretary.
Will I receive a receipt for my donation?
Donation letters are mailed once a year at the end of the year.
Can I still bring my offering to church on Sundays or do I have to use the e-giving system?
Your are encouraged to donate which ever way is easiest for you- by check, by online giving or by leaving your donation in our offering basket.