The Latest News

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  • SD Partnership Picnic is Sunday, Nov 10 at POVUCC. 12: 30 gather, 1:00 meal blessing. Spend a fun afternoon with your San Diego Parthernship friends. Fried chicken provided. Bring a side dish and lawn games. Volunteers needed for setup/cleanup. Regular lunch will not be served that day. If you want to eat, join us at the picnic!

  • Join POVUCC’s Director of Music, Kate Moody, on Saturday, October 12 at 5:00 pm at Pioneer Ocean View UCC for an hour of deep relaxation and inner connection as she leads guided meditation interwoven with music and readings. The topic of the October 12 Musical Sanctuary is "Simply Being." Musical Sanctuary is a contemplative service of music, readings, and guided Connect & Glow meditation, that explore different topics and principles related to spiritual growth and healing. The "Simply Being" meditation supports experiencing ourselves and all of life as benevolent, dynamic energy. This self-healing technique is suitable for beginning as well as seasoned practitioners.

    The program is free; donations are welcomed.

  • On Sunday, October 6th, we will collect our offering for Neighbors in Need, one of the UCC's "Five for Five" offerings. This year's theme, "Mental Health Justice for All" focuses on mental health justice and will be used to promote a just world for all in which the human rights and well-being of people with mental health challenges are respected, no matter who you are or where you are in life’s mental health journey.


    Grants are awarded to churches who are working to promote mental health justice.  Two-thirds of NIN offerings will go towards Justice and Witness Ministries to provide grants to UCC churches and organizations as well as supporting a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects. The remaining one-third goes to CAIM (Council for American Indian Ministry).

    If you'd like to donate to Neighbors in Need through POVUCC's online giving, please click here and use the pull-down menu to select Neighbors in Need. For those wishing to donate by check, please write "Neighbors in Need" on the memo line. You may bring it to worship on Sunday or mail it to the church office. Thank you for your generosity!

  • Would you like to know more about becoming a member at POVUCC? Whether you are considering joining or just curious to know more about the United Church of Christ, POVUCC, and what membership actually means, you are invited to join Pastor Mary Sue for an informational session after worship on Sunday, October 6th. Grab some lunch in Fellowship Hall and then join us in the Benson Building (location of the church office). We plan to welcome new members in worship on October 27 when we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the merger of Pioneer and Ocean View churches. Come learn more about how we express our faith and live out our commitments together here at POVUCC. If you are interested in joining but aren't available on October 6, please contact Pastor Mary Sue 

  • Each year at their annual meeting, the Japanese American Historical Society of San Diego honors a member of the community with the Kansha award. This year's meeting and award ceremony will be on October 12 at 11 AM at the Buddhist Temple of San Diego (2929 Market St). We are excited to share that this year's honoree is Wendy Maruyama, daughter of POVUCC members Reiko and the late John Maruyama. Bento boxes are available for $25, and orders are due by October 1. To place your order,  contact Kay Ochi. 

  • Come up the mountain for Fall Fun For All 2024! October 11-13 at Pilgrim Pines. 

    Experience a weekend filled with beloved camp traditions and exciting activities. Enjoy crafts, games, lively conversations, workshops, and other engaging experiences. Whether you join us for the whole weekend or just for the day, you'll have the chance to savor delicious food, apple pie, and celebrate the dedication of our newly renovated Health Lodge! Visit the Pilgrim Pines website for more details.